Meet the Artists
Akinyemi Oludele
Akinyemi Oludele is a Manchester based artist who has been making art for over 20 years. He began creating artwork in public - at markets, festivals and events in 2007. His inspiration ranges from theory of art and philosophy to black history and political satire. Oludele has completed numerous commissions in portraiture and graphic design including a commissioned painting for Black History Month and has captured numerous live events across Manchester.
Christelle McDuthu
Christelle McDuthu is an abstract-expressionist and multidisciplinary artist, driven by a passion to capture emotions and thoughts through vibrant colours, dynamic forms, and unconventional techniques. Her work is a fusion of various mediums, allowing her to explore the boundaries of creativity and self-expression. The inspiration of her work can be found anywhere and everywhere including the human nature, environment, ecology, travel, climate change and her imagination.
Tina Ramose Ekongo
Tina Ramos Ekongo is a portrait artist, illustrator and creative learning faciltator who was born in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea and grew up in Spain. Her work is influenced by African traditional murals and the great artist Cheri Samba. The history behind her work is inspired by the work of the surrealist Mexican artist Frida Khalo whose feminist approach has had a great impact on her work. The use of cardboard as the principal medium to develop her work serves as a juxtaposition on the undervalue of black women in Western societies and their real value as force of change.